Industry Expert/Author of numerous training packages/publications
Over 20 Years Building Better Online Businesses
I’m Barbara Ling, Authority Building Marketer, 20+Year Innovator and a Rebounder from Ankle Fusion plus a whole heap of medical challenges. But that’s personal; professionally, I’m the author of a huge number of training packages, books and publications on how to generate a thriving business online, and an all-around Marketing Innovator.
I’m also a member of the National Association of Female Executives, the Society of Professional Journalists and the Online News Association.
Media-wise, I’ve appeared in The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes and Inc. magazine, eCommerceTimes and others.
During my recovery time of 5 months from October until February, there was *0* decrease in my business (thanks to strategic planning). Throughout it all, I have continuously shared my expertise via articles like:
- Facebook Reaches for Mobile Gaming’s Brass Ring
- 10 Hot Tips To Help Cool Companies Avoid ‘Summer Melt
- Social Media History Is Being Made: Facebook’s Social Media Outrage Creates 150K “Likes” Fanpage
- Picasso or Starving Artist? The Eerily Unsettling Art of the Marketing Bandwagon Effect
- Business Superhero: Natural Disaster Planning To Ensure Your Business Is Fully Operational When The Lights Go Out
- Google Hangouts and Power Facebook Authority
- The BEST Memories You Can Treasure
and hundreds more.
These are possibly the least important things you could know about me.
The most important thing is this.
I’ve been in the online marketing business since it began, and believe me, I know exactly how to generate long-term income, without using the techniques of those who trumpet, “Send me your money and I’ll sell you an impossible dream!” That’s a song and dance.
It simply isn’t *necessary* to venture to the Dark Side – and to my mind, it’s downright wrong. There are hundreds of routes to legitimate online businesses that support their families and business online . Those businesses are stronger, more sustainable, and they actually make more money in the long run. Plus they let you sleep soundly at night.
I call that a win.
My clients want to emerge as a leader in their niche. And they’re relieved to hear that there are plenty of ways to do so.
I’m here to make that possible. I show you the techniques that create your authority and build strong, healthy businesses that make money by giving people what they want: solutions to problems.
Increasing your business bottom line with ethics and easy-to-follow instructions – that’s what you get when you work with me.
On a more personal note, I love coffee, martial arts, and mastering new industries (I even became one of the foremost experts in realty without ever working as a realtor). I live with my husband, my four amazing children, my Twitter Budgies, and our two moose – I mean rescue dogs. No, I mean moose.
If you’d like to get to know me one-on-one, please feel free to stalk me on my blog, follow my Facebook, or simply drop me an email.
If you’d like to delve back into the extremely boring (and long) list of my qualifications, just keep scrolling down.
- Broke the Google code in 2004 and was able to rank in the top 10 for *any* keyword imaginable. You heard that right – *any*.
- Author of The Internet Recruiting Edge, the only internet recruiting resource that earned 5 stars from Inc. magazine when it debuted.
- Microsoft Small Business Success story
- Appearances on CNN and the Sally Jesse Raphael Show
- Featured in:
- The Wall Street Journal
- Inc.
- AllFacebook
- Family Money
- Ms.
- Computer World
- Internet Business
- The American Chemistry Society Inc.
- Texas Realtors Magazine
- Realtor Magazine
- New Jersey Magazine
- Women eCommerce Leaders
- Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters 3.0
- CNN iReport
- Authored over 50 books,immersion masterminds and ebooks, including:
- Product Creation Espresso
- Facebook Espresso
- RSS Jedi
- Email Marketing Phoenix
- Income Fitness
- Easy Free Local HIGH SEO
- Be Found as a Recruiter Online
- Poor Richard’s Internet Recruiting
- Avoiding the Contractor From Hell
- The Internet Recruiting Edge – 7th ed.
- The Safe and Smart Internet Weight Loss Edge
- The Real Estate Pro’s Internet Edge
- Tumblr Crusher
- Simple Surgical Profits
- Transform It!
- Make Them Beg to Hire You
- New Client Profits
- Job Posting Profits
- 7 Days to Your Auction Success
- Lingstar Learning Teach Your Child to Read
- Auction Search Profits
- 24-Hour Digital Product Creation
- Way of the Rich Hermit
- Dynamic Affiliate Profit Linking
- Online Search Profits
- Easily Find Free Resumes Online
- The Internet Marketing Edge
- Taught custom-tailored recruiting training seminars for:
- Correctly forecasted several recruiting trends in online recruiting
- Originated the concept of Becoming the Recruiter of Choice
- Created three Internet newsgroups including comp.text.interleaf, rec.pets.birds, and att.xksh
- Achieved an 8-fold increase in targeted website traffic for Recruiters Online
A couple of interviews I especially like are at, SEOMOZ, How to Unleash Your Inner Expert and HowtoSpoter.
Golden Coffeecup Shining Achievement Awards
Every week I award the Golden Coffeecup Shining Achivement award in my Facebook group, Perking Up Profits,
You can see the winners here.

In closing, my experience speaks for itself.
Want to learn more? Feel free to drop me a line over at my group PerkingUpProfits, connect with me on Facebook or simply mosey on over and say Hi.
Looking forward to connecting!
Grow strong,
Barbara Ling