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Diet resources to help you make the right choice in losing weight

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Anne Collins Diet
Atkins Diet
Beverly Hills Diet
Blood Test Diet
Body For Life Diet
Cabbage Soup Diet
Carbohydrate Addicts Diet
Caveman Diet
Celebrity Diet
Eat Right 4 Your Type Diet
Fit For Life Diet
Grapefruit Diet
Hawaii Diet
Hip and Thigh Diet
Jenny Craig Diet
Lean for Life Diet
Liquid Diet
Mayo Clinic Diet
MediFast Plus Diet
Negative Calorie Diet
Optifast Diet

Protein Power Diet
Scarsdale Diet
6 Week Body Makeover
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Subway Diet
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Zone Diet

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Diet ebooks information

Diet books resources

There are lots of dieting ebooks and forums out there - here's what I've found for you!

Diet books and diet products

Drug free weight loss

Ultimate Fat Burning Diet Primer

Low carb dieting

Weight Loss: How to Keep Your Commitment - teaches you to rise above your instinctive cravings for sugar and fat, so that you can keep their commitment to weight loss and good health.

Burn the Fat - the same system fitness models and bodybuilders use to reach single digit body fat levels and achieve rock-hard muscle definition that makes them look like walking anatomy charts.

Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed - Despite what the infomercials and mega-corporations tell you, losing weight isn't as quick as they claim. These infomercials, and ads use slick marketese to persuade us into believing their claims that you can just pop a pill and lose 30 pounds in 30 days. But how many people do you know had this happen for them? The truth is, our bodies aren't designed to lose that much weight rapidly in a healthy fashion....

Free Weight Loss Secrets - My name is Rob Brinkman (the sole creator of I was an overweight person that was sick and tired of being fat. I tried all the new diet programs, but nothing worked... until I realized that I had to rely on myself to lose the weight. So, I started to research weight loss and nutrition in the local libraries and I searched the internet for anything I could find. It really paid off too...

The Last 10 Pounds - "The Last 10 Pounds" details step by step, exactly how to get from the first picture to the second one in just 2 months. It's written in plain English, and is less than 60 easy to read pages without a lot of extra "fluff". Who the heck has time to wade through a 500 page book anyway....

Ultimate Health Library - Twelve years ago, if anyone suggested I would be co-writing a recipe & nutrition book, I would have spilled coke all over myself with laughter. Health food was for skinny people, dressed in flannel pants and turtlenecks, in drastic need of a good T-bone....

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Drug free weight loss
Thousands Who
Never Thought
They Could....
Now Lose
Weight ...
and Stay Slim
with This
Proven Diet

Ultimate Fat Burning Diet Primer
Reveals weight
loss secrets
the dieting industry
prefers you
do not know

Low carb dieting
of people failed
to lose weight
on a low-fat
diet this past
Try something
that always
This diet is
100% guaranteed
to work....

Negative calorie ebook
Did you
know that it
is now possible
to drop up to
in only 7 DAYS?
That's right...
The Negative
Calorie Dietâ„¢
can make it
happen for

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