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Sugar Busters diet information

Sugar Busters resources

Welcome to information about the sugar busters diet! Their website says, It's time to face facts. Low-fat diets don't work. Thousands of dieters on low-fat, high-carbohydrate regimes gain back their weight and more, often wreaking unhealthy havoc on their bodies. Why? Because the culprit isn't too much fat, it's too much sugar--and low-fat food is full of it.

Interestingly enough, for me, low-carb works just peachy.

Sugar Busters diet background

Sugar is bad. Bad bad bad. Tastes good, mind you, but it's just plain bad. So says the folks who like this diet.

'Course, bunches of other things are also bad unless done in moderation. Moderation, remember, is key.

Sugar Busters weight loss forums

Sugar Busters Weight Loss forum

Low Carber Suger Buster Discussion

Low Carb Lounge

Shake the Sugar

Sugar Free Recipes

sugar busters diet products

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