4th of July Virtual Gourmet Blogger Picnic! Red, White and Blue Goodies – BBQ Pork Ribs…

4th of July!(Know of a fellow deserving blogger?  Be sure to invite them to this virtual 4th of July picnic!

Good morning!

Today is the 4th of July, and if you’re like 99.274% of Americans, you’re probably dreaming about all the yummy goodies your 4th of July picnic and celebrations will provide!

But if you’re still tying up loose ends, allow me to invite you to the Lingstar Gourmet 4th of July Virtual Picnic!  Enjoy:

Dry Rubbed BBQ Pork Ribs with Cattlemen’s Honey Barbeque Sauce, the Great American Angus Beef Hamburger, Fresh Maine Lobster Salad, Southern Spiced Shrimp, Cajun Fried Chicken, Grilled Avocado, Beefsteak Tomato, and Red Onion Salad, Jewish Potato Salad, Fireworks Coleslaw, and Fresh Corn on the Cob….with Plenty of Ice Cold Lemonaid, Independence Day Punch, Red, White and Blueberry Delight…and closing, of course, with Red White and Blue Cupcakes of Coolness.!

So what are you waiting for?  Dive in, it will energize your spirit.   And remember, feel free to share these virtual goodies with your blogger friends as well!

Want to enjoy this at home?   Check out these goodies:

Want to learn more? Enjoy:

Have a Great 4th of July,

Barbara Ling

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