3 Simple Steps To Grow A Fine Pair O’ Brass-Plated Balls (and make ’em swing!)


My gosh…..

  • What….
  • A…..
  • WEEK!!!!

So many gloriously magnificent things have happened to me and….

Actually, no.

The things didn’t happen TO me….

My actions… compelled them to happen.

And that particular viewpoint….makes all the difference in the world.  Aye?

Honestly, when I put on my Steve Jobs hat and connect the dots from the past week or so (you can read Steve’s awesome commencement speech over here – it’s truly a gem!), I can see exactly from where my success sprang.

It was because I grew meself a fine pair ‘o brass-plated balls….and made ’em swing.  Big time!

Here’s how.

It all started with Maria and Tina’s Ultimate Social Challenge product launch affiliate contest.  One of the biggest now in Internet marketing, it garnered a huuuuuge amount of attention!

And I…I decided that this time, this was a product that not only applies directly to me (social media marketing!) but my list would also happily devour as well.

Thus began my Swingin’ Balls journey.  🙂

The first thing I decided to do was to buy a domain site, USChallenge.info .   That I used as my affiliate link.  But then…I had to drive traffic to it!

One of my favorite ways to do this is to take advantage of Pinterest’s social sharing platform, and create a Morning Wakeup Storyline.  For this particular event, I thought it would be nifty to imagine what would happen if a billboard popped up outside me offline like so.

and then I figured, hey!  Let’s add a sunrise too!

The reaction to these images were rather wondrous indeed….which made me say to meself:

“Jeepers Self, you know folks love images on Pinterest….why not take that concept and run with it?”

13 images later…. (ie, things like:

…..I discovered one fantastic, unexpected hugely magnificent bonus.

The hugely valued creators of Ultimate Social Challenge, Maria and Tina – they *noticed* me.

They liked and commented on my images!

This was truly humbling to me … and it made me realize one very important thing.

The main reason they learned about me was because I was confidently putting out viral images of their product….every day.

In other words, if I had chosen instead to be dull and boring….nothing but nothing would have resulted.

It inspired me.

So much so that when I attended one of their first webinars…

I raised my hand and asked if me images could be mentioned.

And me and me wall was highlighted!

Talk about massively woothworthy…..so grateful I was!

Now let me ask you.

If I was quiet, if I chose to hide my abilities, heck, if I refused to give myself permission even to try….

Do you think the above would happen?

Nope, me neither.

From that, it all snowballed!  I was contacted by Derby to give an interview:

And the fantastic insights Maria and Tina gave yesterday inspired to me create my new Facebook page this morning: (might I ask you to visit and like it as well?  Thanks!)

Isn’t that amazing?

ALL of the above happened within the past week…..

And *solely* because I gave myself permission to shine.


But you know….*everyone* can do the above!

Everyone can grow a fine pair ‘o brass-plated balls and step up, front row and center, to craft their own success.

And here’s how.

#1.)  Give yourself permission to take chances.

If I had stayed quiet and in the background, nobody would have noticed me.  It was only after I started interacting with my colleagues and my network that my reputation started to grow.

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#2.)  Internalize what the worst thing could be.

When you step outside of your comfort zone, the *worst* thing that could happen is that the reaction you receive…it *not* what you had hoped.

And that’s okay.  Because it clears the way for your second attempt.  And third.  And fourth.

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#3.)  Honor your own Unique Voice.

One of the best things about the Internet is that there’s only one…..*you*.

Just like there’s only one Maria Gudelis.

  • And only one Willie Crawford.
  • And only one Ben Adkins.
  • And only one Bill Vick.
  • And only one me!

You see….

Nobody but *nobody* can do *you* better than…. you yourself.

  • You’re unmatchable and an original!

And once you give yourself permission to realize that….

You’re on the path to giving yourself permission to shine as brilliantly as the Northern Lights!

But again…

It all starts with *you*.

As it should.

Thus, today….

Tell yourself that you’re going to give yourself permission to recognize the greatness within you that will enable you to cause others to stand up and notice you!

Your bottom line will thank you for it.

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling
I turn chaos into simplicity!

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