Tell Yourself Today – Brass Plated Balls Rock!


Standing up for what's *right* is harder than beating an maddened 450 pound Sumo wrestler when you resemble a slumbering Taco Bell Chihuahua.

But you know…that's still no excuse to stay quiet…

When horrible things are being done.

Thus, today, tell yourself that you *are* going to grow a couple dozen brass-plated balls and stand up for your friends, your family, your colleagues and more.

A photographer for high school kids and more out in PA just recently did that!

To wit:

…Jennifer McKendrick, Pennsylvania Photographer, Refuses To Photograph Teen Bullies …

A Pennsylvania photographer has chosen not to photograph a group of high school girls for their senior portraits after she found evidence of the teens bullying other students on Facebook.

Jennifer McKendrick, from Indiana County, Pa., wrote on her own Facebook page earlier this week that she came across another Facebook page with nasty comments from four high school girls whose names matched her scheduled clients.

She emailed the girls and their parents to cancel their senior photo shoots, while including screenshots of their comments to explain why she was calling off the session.

McKendrick wrote more about her decision on her personal blog in a post titled "I Won't Photograph Ugly People." …MORE…

What an utterly *inspiring* thing for a small business owner to do!

Make sure you emulate the spirit as well.

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling

ps – speaking about brass balls, have you seen:

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