Ever want to send a text message to a friend…but just don't have your cell phone handy?
Here's a simple way to amaze and impress your friends – their cell phone email address is simply:
- Their phone number
followed by
- an @ sign
followed by
- Their carrier email domain
So let's say your friends' cell phone number is
You can email them from your favorite email program! The address simply would be:
123456890@(whatever their carrier email domain is)
Neat, eh?
What's that? You don't know the email addresses for carriers? Well then, check out:
- AT&T = xxxxxxxxxx@mms.att.net
- AT&T PCS = xxxxxxxxxx@mobile.att.net
- AT&T Pocketnet PCS = xxxxxxxxxx@dpcs.mobile.att.net
- Advantage Communications = xxxxxxxxxx@advantagepaging.com
- Airtouch Pagers = xxxxxxxxxx@myairmail.com
- Airtouch Pagers = xxxxxxxxxxr@airtouch.net
- Airtouch Pagers = xxxxxxxxxxr@airtouchpaging.com
- Airtouch Pagers = xxxxxxxxxxr@alphapage.airtouch.com
- Alltel = xxxxxxxxxx@alltelmessage.com
- Alltel = xxxxxxxxxx@message.alltel.com
- Alltel PCS = xxxxxxxxxx@message.alltel.com
- AlphNow = pin@alphanow.net
- Ameritech Clearpath = xxxxxxxxxx@clearpath.acswireless.com
- Ameritech Paging = xxxxxxxxxx@pageapi.com
- Amp'd Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@vtext.com
- Arch Pagers (PageNet) = xxxxxxxxxx@archwireless.net
- Aruba setar = xxxxxxxxxx@mas.aw
- Beepwear = xxxxxxxxxx@beepwear.net
- Bell Atlantic = xxxxxxxxxx@message.bam.com
- Bell Canada = xxxxxxxxxx@1x.bell.ca
- Bell South (Blackberry) = number@bellsouthtips.com
- Bell South = xxxxxxxxxx@sms.bellsouth.com
- Boost Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@myboostmobile.com
- Carolina Mobile Communications = xxxxxxxxxx@cmcpaging.com
- Cellcom = xxxxxxxxxx@cellcom.quiktxt.com
- Cellular One = xxxxxxxxxx@cellularone.textmsg.com
- Cellular One East Coast = xxxxxxxxxx@phone.cellone.net
- Cellular One PCS = xxxxxxxxxx@paging.cellone-sf.com
- Cellular One South West = xxxxxxxxxx@swmsg.com
- Cellular South = xxxxxxxxxx@csouth1.com
- Centennial Wireless = xxxxxxxxxx@myblue.com
- Central Vermont Communications = xxxxxxxxxx@cvcpaging.com
- Cingular (AT&T) = xxxxxxxxxx@mms.mycingular.com
- Cingular Wirelss = xxxxxxxxxx@mobile.mycingular.com
- Clearnet = xxxxxxxxxx@msg.clearnet.com
- Comcast = xxxxxxxxxx@comcastpcs.textmsg.com
- Communication Specialists = xxxxxxxxxx@pageme.comspeco.net
- Cook Paging = xxxxxxxxxx@cookmail.com
- Digi-Page / Page Kansas = xxxxxxxxxx@page.hit.net
- Digicel Aruba = xxxxxxxxxx@digitextaw.com
- Digicel Barbados = xxxxxxxxxx@digitextbb.com
- Digicel Bonaire = xxxxxxxxxx@digitextbo.com
- Digicel Cayman = xxxxxxxxxx@digitextky.com
- Digicel Curacao = xxxxxxxxxx@digitextcu.com
- Digicel Grenada = xxxxxxxxxx@digitextgd.com
- Digicel St. Lucia = xxxxxxxxxx@digitextlc.com
- Digicel St. Vincent = xxxxxxxxxx@digitextvc.com
- Einstein PCS = xxxxxxxxxx@einsteinmms.com
- Fido = xxxxxxxxxx@fido.ca
- GTE = xxxxxxxxxx@airmessage.net
- GrayLink / Porta-Phone = xxxxxxxxxx@epage.porta-phone.com
- Houston Cellular = xxxxxxxxxx@text.houstoncellular.net
- Infopage Systems = pinnumber@page.infopagesystems.com
- JSM Tele-Page = pinnumber@jsmtel.com
- Lauttamus Communication = xxxxxxxxxx@e-page.net
- MCI = xxxxxxxxxx@pagemci.com
- MCI Phone = xxxxxxxxxx@mci.com
- Metrocall 2-way = xxxxxxxxxx@my2way.com
- Metrocall = xxxxxxxxxx@page.metrocall.com
- Mobilecomm = xxxxxxxxxx@mobilecomm.net
- Morris Wireless = xxxxxxxxxx@beepone.net
- Motient = xxxxxxxxxx@isp.com
- Nextel = xxxxxxxxxx@messaging.nextel.com
- Ntelos = xxxxxxxxxx@pcs.ntelos.com
- Omnipoint = xxxxxxxxxx@omnipoint.com
- OnlineBeep = xxxxxxxxxx@onlinebeep.net
- Pacific Bell = xxxxxxxxxx@pacbellpcs.net
- PageMart = xxxxxxxxxx@pagemart.net
- PageMart Advanced/2way = xxxxxxxxxx@airmessage.net
- PageMart Canada = xxxxxxxxxx@pmcl.net
- PageNet Canada = xxxxxxxxxx@pagegate.pagenet.ca
- PageOne NorthWest = xxxxxxxxxx@page1nw.com
- Primco = xxxxxxxxxx@primeco@textmsg.com
- ProPage = xxxxxxxxxx@page.propage.net
- Qwest = xxxxxxxxxx@qwestmp.com
- RAM Page = xxxxxxxxxx@ram-page.com
- Rogers Canada = xxxxxxxxxx@pcs.rogers.com
- Rogers Wireless (Canada) = xxxxxxxxxx@pcs.rogers.com
- SBC Ameritech Paging = xxxxxxxxxx@paging.acswireless.com
- ST Paging = pin@page.stpaging.com
- Satellink = xxxxxxxxxx.pageme@satellink.net
- Skytel Pagers = 7digitpinnumber@skytel.com
- Skytel Pagers = xxxxxxxxxx@email.skytel.com
- Southern LINC = xxxxxxxxxx@page.southernlinc.com
- Southwestern Bell = xxxxxxxxxx@email.swbw.com
- Sprint = xxxxxxxxxx@messaging.sprintpcs.com
- SunCom = xxxxxxxxxx@suncom1.com
- T-Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@tmomail.net
- T-Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@voicestream.net
- TSR Wireless = xxxxxxxxxx@alphame.com
- Teletouch = xxxxxxxxxx@pageme.teletouch.com
- The Indiana Paging Co = last4digits@pager.tdspager.com
- US Cellular = xxxxxxxxxx@email.uscc.net
- US West = xxxxxxxxxx@uswestdatamail.com
- Verizon PCS = xxxxxxxxxx@myvzw.com
- Verizon PCS = xxxxxxxxxx@vtext.com
- Verizon Pagers = xxxxxxxxxx@myairmail.com
- Verizon Wireless = xxxxxxxxxx@vzwpix.com
- Virgin Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@vmobl.com
- VoiceStream / T-Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@voicestream.net
- WebLink Wiereless = xxxxxxxxxx@airmessage.net
- WebLink Wiereless = xxxxxxxxxx@pagemart.net
- Wyndtell = xxxxxxxxxx@wyndtell.com
Here's another fun thing to do – ask your friends if they know their cell phone's email address. I guarantee you – at least one will not….giving you the opportunity to showcase something simple and yet sooooooo….useful indeed.
Barbara Ling