Google Hangouts and Facebook Authority
Have you ever thought about the connection?
Chances are, if you’re online at all, you’re on Facebook. Right?
These days, it seems like everyone has a Facebook profile and often a Facebook Business page too!
Google Hangouts make it easy to draw and share attention via Facebook.
For example, consider this page:
In particular, the photos shared at .
Just think how you could apply that technique for your own scheduled hangouts!
Even if you choose not to interview, you use Google Hangouts simply to connect with your audience like this example:
Notice how the name and the brand is up front and personal?
- You can share these types of Hangouts on your social FB pages as well.
How To Maximize Your Facebook Benefits
Step 1.) Post your Hangout Video URL to your wall.
I mean, why not?
Step 2.) Create a Facebook Fanpage/Business page that focuses on your niche/product/brand and start to post your Hangouts there as well.
Facebook business pages are an excellent way to start building buzz and group interactions. If you’re new with Facebook fanpages, here are some useful resources that will get you started on the right path:
Step 3.) Find your Facebook Page RSS feed and automatically populate other social properties
Did you know that your Facebook page has its own RSS feed (really simple syndication)? Not only that, but you can use this to create other social sites automatically.
You can find your Facebook Page RSS feed via:
Paste in your FB URL:
Click “Lookup numeric ID”
You’ll be returned something like:
Replace the XXXXXXX below with that number:
and you’ll have something like:
This is your Facebook Fan page RSS feed (which will contain your Google Hangouts videos).
Next, visit . This site, “If This, Then Do that”, allows you to specify “recipes” or “triggers” that will automatically complete an action based upon your criteria.
For example, you can specify that once an update is posted to your Facebook Fan page RSS update, that update gets sent to your Twitter stream or your Tumblr Blog or your Pinterest board etc.
Tutorials for using IFttt include:
Good stuff indeed!
As you can see, Facebook is a grand site to include your Google Hangouts video and increase your social authority . Use it today!
Grow strong,
Barbara Ling