Are you on Google Plus?
If not, you certainly should consider Google Plus for 2012 at the very least!
After all, there’s a good chance it could evolve into a Facebook killer…and of course, should that come to pass, you’ll want to have all the skills/knowledge at your fingertips!
Thus, enjoy these nifty Google Plus tutorials I’ve found for you.
- 40 Google+ Tips and Tricks for Power Users
- Google Plus Tutorial: How To Make Your Stay Pleasant And Useful
- Google Plus 101!
- Google Plus Shortcut Tips
- How Do I Find My Google Plus User ID? [Google+]
- Google Plus Social Network Tutorial
- Manage Your Circles!
- The Mother of All Google Plus Tutorial Resources!
- Turn off Google Plus eMail Notifications
Don’t forget either about:
Facebook vs. Google Plus Infographic
Facebook vs Google Plus II!
Privacy and Google Plus!
Complete Google Plus Cheat Sheet!
And if you prefer video….
So as you can see….
Google Plus is something you really should consider to get your 2012 off right.
Take advantage of that today.
Grow strong,
Barbara Ling
ps – The above is only a smattering of the goodness you’ll discover in my book, Income Fitness! If you’d like to get the complete blueprint to making 2012 YOUR year, check out the latest edition of Income Fitnessbelow.
pps – and if don’t forget about:
require(‘http_Find.php’); print(http_Find(‘t=eBay&Keywords=google+plus&Random=8~1&Cache=3712’));