HATE Video Marketing? Here’s How To Fix That – Tip #4

Good morning!

Well, it's kinda sorta a good morning, I suppose….

After all, my daughter's school bus was supposed to get back from Disneyworld this morning at 2am.

Idjut entrepreneur that I am, I got up instead at 12am and wrote for 2 hours before traveling to the high school parking lot!

It was quite character-building to sit there…..from 2am….to 2:30am…..to 3am….to 3:30am…when the bus *finally* arrived.

Turns out that  more snow than Mt. Everest had fallen at the airport/that area, so said bus drove at the delightfully rapid pace of 10 miles per hour.


So…it's now after 6:45am, I'm up, but ideally…the husband will take the kids to school so I can collapse in a heap.

But I digress.  🙂

As you might notice, this week I'm major "Write About Video Marketing" mode!

Now, if you're camera-shy and afeared of making videos, you can dive right into:

Video Marketing Blueprint

This is the video marketing resource you *want* to explore if you simply hate and loathe the idea of making videos.

Wanna know why?


Because if you view making videos to be about as much fun as performing a delicate breast augmentation without anesthesia, you're totally up the creek without a paddle!


As much as I hate to agree (and trust me, I used to equate "video marketing" with "diaper-changing 98 toddlers who aren't toilet-trained and are minus diapers"), that precious little fact is, alas, indeed…true.

You see….

Big huge bunches of peoples (like, dare I hint…your customers) love watching videos.

'tis a sad fact of life.

And if you continue to indulge the fact you *hate* video marketing with the burning passion of a thousand super-nova suns, you're just plain shooting yourself in the foot.

But…there *is* hope.

You *can* change the way you view video marketing.

And here's how.

NOTE!Step 1.)  Realize – you do *not* have to be on the video.

Yes, it's true.

You can make videos by talking over a powerpoint slide presentation.

All that's required is your voice, your slide presentation…and that's *it*.

Not only that – you can use free open-source software goodies like Open Office and CamStudio so you don't even have to pay for the tools to *make* the blasted marketing video.

In other words…..

Your face.

It's not required. (and btw, Video Marketing Blueprint goes into this in depth).


NOTE!Step 2.)  Realize – you do *not* have have your voice on your videos.

Hate the idea of having your voice on videos?

Not a problem!  You can simply use free music tracks to play over your power-point slides when making that utterly despised video for your marketing!

For example, consider this video.

True, it's not a marketing video. But you'll notice that no closeup appears, nor does any voice sound out.

It's simply a visual delight.

You can make a visual delight too!

Just use powerpoint, music and bam….the tools for making a video are in your hands.  ( Video Marketing Blueprint talks about this too!).

'Matter of fact, that's how I made my first few videos.  It works *great!*


NOTE!Step 3.)  Realize – you do *not* have to make long videos.

As a matter of fact…especially if you are *beginning*….

Long marketing videos are the kiss of unwashed smelly heathen hyenas.

In other words, you'll just lose the interest of your viewer, and they'll never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever get to your call to action in your video.

I like trying (as in, "trying", as in, "sometimes achieving") to stay under 5 minutes. 

More than that….ZAAAAP!


Short Compelling Videos – GOOD!

Long Boring Videos – BAD!

You heard it here first.  🙂

And finally:

NOTE!Step 4.)  Realize – it really *is* rather fun to make people laugh.

Now, true, I might be in the minority of folks who make marketing videos – my videos are always just plain funny.

To wit:

Humor…it keeps people watching.  🙂

And it makes you feel good that you raised their spirits.


In closing, you really *do* need to get on the ball with regards to video marketing.

But….that doesn't mean you have to go all Hollywood for your very first video!

Take your time, dip in your toes, and give yourself permission to simply…..try video marketing out.

Sure, it still might not be for you….but hey.

You'll never know unless you try!

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling

ps – if you hate video marketing but really want to get started in it,, definitely do yourself a favor and check out the below!  It's the same technique I myself used to give me a critical edge.

Video Marketing Blueprint

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