Today my kids and I will receive our brown belts in karate! It’s almost been 2 years now that we’ve been attending karate practice…and it’s truly proven to be a great boon for both my kids and me.
My kids, you see, because they’re not only learning karate but also common-sense street smarts as well, and me, because I finally can make up for lost time (never did do martial arts as a kid) and enjoy adult sparring, kata and more. Plus, my kids see me walk the walk I talk and learn by example – what more could you want?
Health-wise, I’m definitely just about fully recovered from the Virus from Hell. Yesterday I wrote:
- Launch your affiliate signup page into the stratosphere Part 1
- The ART of Frugal Weight Loss and Dieting
and even got back into some of my physical fitness via weight lifting and moose walking (walked those moosies on my beloved 2.4 mile circle walk).
Today I have to write at the Fitness Brainery and will also continue hacking out the backend of my new affiliate program.
You know, it’s things like that which really make me happy that I was never afraid to learn simple tweaking of webpages. Because of my knowledge of HTML and building sites, I’m easily able to take the default affiliate page and turn it into something really unique and value-added.
And you know, you can too!
You never have to be afeared of touching your blog templates or your website or anything like that! There are lots of nifty tutorials online that will walk you through, step-by-step, how to enhance your webpages and really make them stand out. Some resources include:
‘sides that, it should prove to be a nice quiet day!
Have a great Sunday yourself,
Barbara Ling
ps – speaking about karate belts, have you seen: