Sometimes, we take a big huge chance.
And sometimes, it ends up causing us to crash in a molten, fiery heap of good intentions taken extremely the wrong way.
But you know something?
So long as what drove you to take a chance was honest, and from the heart….
Your dismal failure is okay.
It really is.
What you've learned is that others can perceive your intentions differently from what they were.
You….do *not* have ownership of that.
But you *can* choose to take ownership of your reactions.
Ask yourself….
- What have you learned that you can pass onto your kids?
- What have you learned that you can pass onto your friends?
- What have you learned that you can pass onto your loved ones?
You see….
Every failure gives us precious knowledge we'd never have gained…unless we took a chance in the first place.
And honestly, that's what life really is about, aye?
Thus, tell yourself today that it's okay to try…and okay to fail.
You never know what nuggets of wisdom will unexpectedly bash you in the head. 🙂
Grow strong,
Barbara Ling
ps – speaking about failure, have you seen: