Repelling the Pine Cone of Painful Recession


And when I say "Morning", I mean MORNING….I’ve been up since 2am! 

Luckily, my insane workmode has produced fantastic results, and I’m still (get this!) actually coherent as well! 

Will miracles never cease.  But I digress.  🙂

Anywhos!  Check out this nifty image!  It’s from Nicky510 and was part of the free Daily Dose.  To wit:

…Ouch! What hit me?!!
Actually, nothing – this pic was completely posed. But it could have happened and I thought it made an interesting point. Namely that when you keep your attention focused ahead of you you might miss important stuff that’s happening around you – or in this case – above you.
Those of you from the west coast recognize this colossal pine cone as one that comes off Digger Pines. These trees are quite common and drop a lot of pine cones. The potential problem is, of course, if you’re standing under a pine cone that’s just dropped off the tree from a five story height and is headed your way. It’s going to do a lot more than sting when it hits you. 
Something to think about as you’re strolling through the pine forest….MORE….

And of course, that mental image made me think. 

Consider, ahem, The Recession.

It can either come crashing down on you like a huge bleeping pinecone of pain….or you can deftly sidestep the fallout and proactively take responsibility to react.

Now is NOT the time for complacency!  Sure, the economy is less delightful than 23 scoops of chocolate chip cookie dough ice-cream that has been graced by 3 containers of Magic Shell. 

And yes indeed, it could be that you’ll be, ahem,

Encourage to explore career opportunities outside the scope of the company’s interest (translation – you’re fired!)

It COULD happen.

It might not DEFINITELY happen…but it could.

And it’s your responsibility to ensure you don’t get conked on the head by it.

So….just how will you do that?

Glad you asked!  Here are some ideas.

NOTEIdea #1.)  Brand yourself online!

Yes I know, I sound like a broken record….but BRAND YOURSELF ONLINE!  Get your own domain name set up and put your resume, your customer testimonials, why people should choose you, etc.

It’s only common sense.

are two useful resources for that.  And should you want cheap quality hosting, check out:

Need some ideas? 

should help you out.

NOTEIdea #2.)  Track your industry!

Look for authority blogs in your industry and then add them to your feedreader.  Also track layoffs too!  Some good resources for that are:

NOTEIdea #3.)  Know WHY You’re Great!

If YOU don’t think of yourself as God’s gift to your industry, why should others?

Yes, I know…’s considered bad form to hype yourself (also called, shameless self-promotion).  You know what I think?  To hell with that!! 

I’m not telling you to be arrogant….but I AM telling you to be self-confident and KNOW just why people should do business with you, hire you, etc.

After all, silence results in zero attention.  And when you’re in competition mode, you had better well realize your competitors will be outlining in stark brilliant detail just WHAT they bring to the table…and WHY they should be hired ahead of anyone else. 

You….simply have to do the same.

Remember – things will get worse before they get better.  Arm yourself with as much benefits as you can gather from the Internet…your future income will thank you for it.


Barbara Ling

ps – speaking about layoffs, have you seen:


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