Tell Yourself Today – Pass It On

Sometimes, we go thru some pretty horrible things in life.

It might be our loved ones are twits to us, or we've been pitched earlobe-first into the seething ocean of back-biting corporate politics that would make Lord Volemort weep with admiration, or we've flung ourselves awake from a nightmare that left us bathed in cold sweat about how life *could* be in the future.

Whatever it is, out of the pain comes…..wisdom…. if we're *smart* enough to recognize it.

Thus, today, tell yourself that whatever ickness befalls you, instead of simply whining and crumpling in a heap about it, you'll take a good hard *honest* look and see what lessons you can wring from it.

And those lessons…you'll *pass on to* the people you love.

Yep, it's hell to do (it's the overall description of my day today) but let me tell you this…I'd go thru those trials by fire 8,372 times again for the wisdom it enabled me to pass onto my kids this morning.

It's a grand way of looking at life's challenges, indeed.

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling

ps – speaking about passing things on, have you seen:


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