The Simplest, SMARTEST Thing Product Creators Can EVER Do

I woke up to swollen glands and am probably resplendent with the flu or something like that.



I was planning on releasing my Tumblr product tomorrow but you know something?

  • The state I’m in , the “still to do” I need to do….NO.

I am NOT doing this again – ie, still needing to work until the last minute.

Sure, I *could* do it, I *have* done it, but…


My health is more important.

So – here’s my best advice.

Schedule your stuff a month out in advance so 2 weeks before launch, EVERYTHING is DONE.

And that way, if you get the flu the day of your launch, you can have a friend help out – your mental abilities are NOT needed.

Keep in mind I’m writing this now hampered by a HUGE inability to think straight… but before I head to the doctors/etc., I did want to get that out there.

Treat yourself, first and foremost, *well*. It will make your bottom line that much beefier.

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling

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