is simply what you write that compels your visitor to buy your product/service.
The term is often used in advertising. And as an entrepreneur, it's a very
crucial component to your business. It helps sell your products.
that easy? :-)
when your potential customers visit your web site, you aren't there personally
to sell - you have to depend upon your web site content to convince them
your product/service is the solution they've been looking for.
copy talks with the reader. It produces a sense of "hey, all of
my solutions are being provided right here!" and a feeling that you
understand and empathise with the dilemma at hand.
copy doesn't talk about wants, it trumpets solutions. You don't ultimately
obtain a merchant account just so you can take credit cards orders - you
do so because you know you'll receive far more sales and money rolling
inif you have that capability. Yes, it's kinda sorta the same thing, but
the second example extolls the benefits (the goodies), not merely fills
a need.
copy packs emotional or button words. It gives your reader a burning
desire to take action, like either buy the product, call for more information,
or subscribe to a list for example.
copy revolves around the reader. It's written with lots of "you"s
so you can draw the reader into emotionally living their dream and experiencing
your solution.
copy includes words like:
alternative amazing approved attractive authentic bargain beautiful believe
benefits better big bonus colorful colossal comfortable complete confidential
convenient crammed delivered dependable direct discount discover easily
easy endorsed enormous excellent exciting exclusive expert famous fascinating
fast fortune free fresh full fun gain genuine gift gigantic greatest guaranteed
happy healthy helpful highest how huge immediately improved informative
instructive interesting largest latest lavishly learn liberal lifetime
limited love lowest magic mammoth miracle money more natural new noted
now odd original outstanding perfect personalized popular powerful practical
preview professional profitable profusely proven pure quality quickly rare
reduced refundable reliable remarkable results revealing revolutionary
right safe satisfying save scarce secret secrets security selected sensational
simplified sizable solution special startling strange strong sturdy success
successful superior surprise terrific tested to tremendous unconditional
unique unlimited unparalleled unsurpassed unusual useful valuable value
wealth weird win wonderful yes you
copy is what sells your product when you're not there to do so yourself.
great resources for copy include:
Copy Secrets Revealed
- From
Marlon Sanders, one of the most well-known copy writing and Internet marketing
masters on the Internet, he guides you through the three crucial steps:
One, Craft a personal letter to your prospects that explains in detail
what your product is, does and exactly what it will do for them, Two, Post
this letter on a web page that loads lightning fast and has a HOT design
and Three, Promote with associate programs, ezine articles, endorsed mailings,
and free publicity...
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