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What you can do"Every dollar helps." At the present time, Nancy's Parrot Sanctuary is in dire need of help!! Winter is approaching and that means moving the birds inside causing electricity bills to skyrocket. Also, news of Nancy's battle with cancer has spread, and as a result, many people were reluctant to board their birds at the sanctuary during this past summer resulting in a decrease in revenue. Currently the operating expenses of Nancy's Parrot Sanctuary are greater than the revenue it is receiving in donations and services. Unless help comes soon, we will be forced to temporarily suspend our rescue operations. If everyone reading this website notice would donate only $5.00, NPS could pay all the overdue bills and be in the black. Please help me continue to help these birds. New Jersey's First Parrot Sanctuary is constantly growing due to the ever growing need to house abused, unwanted, aggressive parrots (including canaries/finches/parakeets). Nancy's Parrot Sanctuary is looking for donations of large parcels of land suitable to be developed for a large facility able to meet the growing needs of the many parrots that come to us requiring rehabilitation (physical and emotional) and placement. NPS also needs a dependable 4-wheel drive vehicle to pick-up and rescue these parrots. There are dozens of parrots I have been unable to rescue because I lack such a vehicle to go and get the birds. NPS is NOT state or federally funded. We desperately need donations/cash for vet fees, food perches, cage paper, cleaning products, utilities, as well as outdoor flight cages and ongoing expansion. NPS is dedicated to the welfare of parrots in captivity and strives to educate parrot owners on proper care of these magnificent birds. NPS is a safe haven for parrots while being rehabilitated from abuse and neglect. Prospective parrot-adoptive families are educated on the proper care of the parrot they wish to parrot-adopt, and must convince us of their sincerity and ability before being allows to take home a parrot (additionally, the parrot must like them). A small parrot-adoption fee is required for bird placement. Disabled or unpredictable parrots will live out
their life at NPS, being treated with the love and respect they deserve.
I am a Certified Avian Specialist (CAS) and an Avian Behaviorist, and dedicated
to the welfare of all parrots.
Please help Nancy to be able to continue her work with the sanctuary. Hundreds of parrots now have a good life due to her intervention. If you care at all, please send a tax deductable donation to: Nancy's Parrot Sanctuary or please call us at 908-359-9940. Thank you for your support! |
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