Who the hell are you?

It's a mystery!Morning!

I have one cute little teeny tiny question that I simply HAVE to ask you and it’s this!

Who the hell are you?

No no no, wait a sec…that’s not so important as

Who the hell are you and WHY on earth should I deal with you?

Yes, that last statement really does capture it all.

Think about it from a business perspective.  Let’s say that you’re an employee and you spy a layoff looming in the distance that would make the Titanic seem like a paper boat.

Someone will have to go….will it be you?  Will your manager look at you and say to herself:

Jeepers self, I have to cut 10% of my staff – what does this person bring to the table that makes them valuable enough to keep?


Or what if you’re a stay-at-home parent, and decide to enter the workforce to keep abreast of the economy?  Given the fact you’re one out of 3,2834 other SAH folk who are looking for the same thing…can a potential hiring authority learn from a 15 second perusal of your social netwoking profiles or your personal branded website or your community discussions or your resume or …. just WHY you’re the answer to their needs?


Or what if you’re a blogger who is trying to make money on the Internet….does your site contribute towards a sense of:

This is a reliable authority!

that compels people to buy?

Hmmmm?  YOU know who the hell you are.  But that by itself is just plain worthless if you’re not the decision maker. And because the web is a 24×7 entity, chances are you won’t be immediately available to showcase why you’re the person of choice when someone is considering your services….so you have to let your Web 2.0 imprints do that for you.

The fact is, you can really boost your credibilty and authority via the Internet and help ensure your business goals are achieved…but you have to be proactive about it.

Here are 2 tips for you to do just that!

NOTE!Tip #1.)  Brand yourself online!

Do you own YourName.com ?   If not, why on earth, well, NOT???????  My gosh, how much MORE branded can you get?

Besides BarbaraLing.com , I also bought for my kids and my friends their names as domains.  Domains now cost less than $10, and you can get hosting cheap cheap cheap at

Even if you don’t set it up NOW, you can hold the domain for the future when you DO have viable content to put online.

Remember, the longer your site is up, the more authority it receives. 

BarbaraLing.com has been up for a decade now!  It’s just plain good business sense for you to own your own name online.  And if the .com is taken, consider .net, .name, .whatever, like so:

I cannot emphasize this enough.  BUY YOUR NAME ONLINE.  Just do it.  You’ll be glad in the future when you finally do get it up.

NOTE!Tip #2.)  Devise a tagline!

 In one sentence or less, can you capture the essence of your goodness and why you’re the answer to specific dreams?  If so, that’s your tagline.

Here’s mine:

I turn "Technical" into "Simple."

Here’s Men With Pens:

Web Business Tips for Writers, Freelancers and Online Entrepreneurs

When you have a tagline, you can an easy-to-understand verbal sound byte that even your Aunt Bertha can comprehend.  This is useful for incorporating into your personal branded website, your 30 second elevator pitches, or even when you’re at your local karate dojo and another karate mom asks, why do YOU do?

Need some tagline resources?  Check out:

I hope the above proves useful!  With the economy trying to imitate a 17 ton anvil carried by a swallow that’s carrying a coconut, putting your best foot forward online is the most logical thing you can do today.  So…..go forth and make it so!


Barbara Ling

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