How YOU can get the MOST out of Google+


And how the heck are you today?  I’m hopefully getting power SOON during this aftermath of Hurricane Sandy – you would not believe how it ate up NJ!

are the links I found on Monday morning to showcase where you can get the latest…hope you enjoy!


Back to business – I’m sure you love Google right?

And know the benefits of Google+?

Well then, want to know how to get the best out of it?

I recently came across:

Four simple actions that will help you get the most of Google+

To wit:

…1. Add author snippets
If your site hosts blog content or articles then it’s important that the people writing that content signup to Google’s authorship program.

This is done through G+ and allows authors to get more enhanced listings (such as a mugshot and links to other articles) in the search results by using the rel=author mark up.

It’s fairly simple to implement and results in higher CTR for your articles as it makes them more prominent and adds social proof as users can see how many G+ circles the author is in. …MORE…


Especially #1 – you’ll notice that I have the Author snippets on my site!

You can grab free author snippet plugins at

and more.


So….definitely take advantage of what Google+ can do for your site…your bottom line will thank you for it!

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling


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