Our Bonuses for Jeremy’s Awesome Super Simple Sales System Goodie!

Howdy! By now, you’ve probably received around eleventy-three zillion about Jeremy’s latest goodie – the Super Simple Sales System! And in a nutshell, it’s just *that*.   Dennis and I have used aspects of this idea ourselves and OMG – the man is 100% correct! So like all good marketers, Dennis and I are offering our… Read more

The Art of Creating Japanese Katanas

In the beginning… Let’s take a step back through that misty time portal (created by a Temporal War Time Bug, mind you, but ignore that fact) and peer into the Japanese Feudel times. Do you remember those pointy objects that Samurai used to defeat their foes? Said pointiness was (and is) called a Katana (the… Read more

☕: 😎📧, 001: Your Thur Perkup: Clones, eMail, Angst and more!

☕Angst, Reddit, AI and the Captain’s Log: 001: Your Thur Perkup! == ALERT == First and foremost: Kindly ensure you have mkt@mkt.trendteller.com and whitelisted in your email reader! The newsletter will NOT arrive unless you do. Let’s begin with Wait a Sec! The Fascinating Fact:   Did you know that dolphins sleep with one eye open… Read more

“I’ll Write the Perfect Book for You”: Special Done For You Offer, Limited Spaces

Y’know, I’ve known Benjamin Bloor now for, what… maybe over a decade? And during that time (even when physical illness smooshed him to the point of *only* being able to create products via a mobile phone (!), he has been a powerhouse of information. I’ve just been alerted that the dear man is offering the… Read more

Moose Madness: The Wacky World of These Antlered Marvels!

Hey there, fellow adventurers and nature enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into the enchanting and inexplicably hilarious universe of moose. Yes, those ungainly yet seemingly majestic creatures that roam the great wilderness. So, grab your binoculars and tighten your hiking boots because things are about to get mighty moose-y! Let’s embrace the hilarity hidden within these… Read more

🌠Exciting Evergreen Content Made Simple?

Ever wake up one morning and think to yourself: “Jeepers self, if only I could keep growing my traffic from all of my Evergreen content!!” If so you’re definitely not alone – gaining quality traffic without paying for it is a Very Very Good idea! That’s why you’ll love the following (and be sure to… Read more

🌠 Creatives eMail Ideas for Boring Businesses?

Ever wake up one morning and think to yourself: “Jeepers self, if only I knew the best ways to promote boring industries via email?” If so, you’re definitely not alone – email marketing is a great way to increase one’s bottom line. That’s why you’ll love the following (and be sure to return when you… Read more

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