“I’ll Write the Perfect Book for You”: Special Done For You Offer, Limited Spaces

Y’know, I’ve known Benjamin Bloor now for, what… maybe over a decade?

And during that time (even when physical illness smooshed him to the point of *only* being able to create products via a mobile phone (!), he has been a powerhouse of information.

I’ve just been alerted that the dear man is offering the following to 50 folks *only*:

I’ll Write the Perfect Book for You!

There are *so* many reasons to take advantage of this – after I do all the work and deliver to you a finished product, you can:

  • Sell it on Amazon and keep 100% of the profits
  • Sell it on Gumroad and keep 100% of the profits
  • Sell it, really, on *any* platform and keep 100% of the profits

But that is not all, see – as you will own the *complete* rights, some other uses include:

 📚  Add it into a paid membership site – Charge a monthly fee!

 🏠  Add links and articles to the product – increase commissions on sales

 🔥 Add your byline to the product – share with other bloggers or even do guest blogging to create quality backlinks and traffic.

  📚  Brand everything as your – increase your authority.

 🏠   Combine all the content – Create pillar content blog posts.

 🔥 Convert the content into podcasts – Profit from that medium

  📚  Convert the product chapters into podcasts – Create your own show

 🏠   Create a coaching program from the material – and charge premium prices.

 🔥 Create a monthly paid newsletter – Add it as an upsell to another offer.

  📚  Create a webinar from the content – pitch a mid-ticket related affiliate product.

  🏠  Create lead magnets from the content – build your email list!

 🔥 Create videos based on the material – upload them to all video sharing sites.

  📚  Develop a members only portal – Provide special training and charge a monthly fee.

  🏠  Establish yourself as THE authority of choice – Build your reputation in your niche.

 🔥 Make another eBook out of a different slant to segments of the content – sell it and keep 100% of profits.

  📚  Monetize everything with your own specific affiliate links – share online.

  🏠  Translate the material to a foreign language – create an authority site in other languages, so very few are doing this, you know.

 🔥 Turn each chapter into a video article – Create video series

  📚  Use it as niche training in your seminars or webinars – Charge premium prices.

  🏠  Use it on your authority sites – Build individual brand

 🔥 Use it to train your VAs – profit faster!

 📚  Post articles or chapters, or parts of articles or chapters, to your blog on a regular basis. – The search engines will love it, and your followers will also, causing them (along with the new readers) to come back over and over (and of course you’ll want to monetize those posts somehow)…

And more!

Intrigued?   Click HERE to get in touch with him… you’re going to *love* what you discover.


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