🌠 39+ Ways to Profit with Video Gaming?

Ever wake up one morning and think to yourself:

“Jeepers self, I’ve heard of people making money playing video games… I wonder how they do it?”

If so, you’re definitely not alone – creative ways to make money are always a good thing!

That’s why you’ll love the following (and be sure to return when you are done for the rest of the goodies I found for you)


There, you’ll discover ideas like:

“…Facebook Gaming

If you’re already familiar with building up communities and friendships on Facebook, then the Facebook Gaming hub is probably a good shout.

🎮 How can I make money through Facebook Gaming?

While it’s hard to find information on who the top earners are, popular streamer Anthony Helm (Helms World) says he makes a “very comfortable living off Facebook Gaming alone”.

Streamers on Facebook earn money through:

Facebook’s virtual currency, “Stars”
Viewers can buy Stars and send them to streamers……”


“….How much can I earn as an eBook writer?

This is more dependent on sales than wage.

However, salary-wise you can earn on average $35 an hour or a whopping $120 per hour on the higher end, according to ZipRecruiter.

🤔 How can I get started as a gaming eBook writer?

Occasionally you might find this kind of job posted on sites like FlexJobs……..”

and more!

Mastering profiting from videos games is a topic that could make for a grand challenge, cheatsheet, tutorial and more. You could structure it like so:

Step 1.) Zero In On General Common Gaming Monitization Ideas

Need help with that? Consider:




Next, move to:

Step 2.) Prefer Video Learning? Check out:

Need resources for that? Look at:




Finally, move to:

Step 3.) Look Up Competitive Gaming and Make It So!

Need ideas for that? Consider:




Good stuff!

Your takeaway?

eGaming is growing as a personal, profitable sport…

Why not consider it today?


ps – looking to see how simple making money can be? Check out:

(It’s Free!)

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