🌠 Creatives eMail Ideas for Boring Businesses?

Ever wake up one morning and think to yourself:

“Jeepers self, if only I knew the best ways to promote boring industries via email?”

If so, you’re definitely not alone – email marketing is a great way to increase one’s bottom line.

That’s why you’ll love the following (and be sure to return when you are done for the rest of the goodies I found for you)


There, you’ll discover ideas like:

“…Educate your audience about topics that interest them

To be truly helpful to your audience, find out what they want to know. Conduct market research and create buyer personas to guide your social media marketing strategy. Then create content targeted toward the topics around which your audience is looking for answers.

Avoid self-promotional questions that you think your audience wants to know and put in the work to find out what they really want to hear about.

Turbo Tax produces focused content on Facebook to help simplify its service for audiences, such as this blog post on how freelancers or self-employed people can file their tax returns……”


“….Use visual aids

Posts with at least one image have been found to get more shares on both Facebook and Twitter. You can use a variety of visual aids like infographics, memes, or comics.

Infographics are an excellent way to make facts and figures accessible and interesting. You can repurpose data from original research reports or surveys to present it in a visually attractive manner. Having concrete figures also boosts the credibility of your brand…….”

and more!

Mastering Creative eMail marketing is a topic that could make for a grand challenge, cheatsheet, tutorial and more. You could structure it like so:

Step 1.) Discover Creative eMail Marketing Tutorials

Need help with that? Consider:




Next, move to:

Step 2.) Prefer Visual Learning? Check Out Creative eMail Marketing on YouTube

Need resources for that? Look at:




Finally, move to:

Step 3.) Armed with the Above, Learn Ways to Make Money with eMail and Make It So!

Need ideas for that? Consider:




Good stuff!

Your takeaway?

Profitable eMail Marketing could be boost to your bottom line…

Why not see if that would work for you today?


ps – looking to see how simple making money can be? Check out:

(It’s Free!)

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Something to consider!

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