Top Lessons for Insane Business Blogging Success


It’s Tuesday morning and I’m going on, what, 4 hours of sleep or so?

So looking forward to this being over!

But anywhos, things could always be worse….and I’m internalizing my own suggestions for getting everything that needs to be done….DONE…. in the morning, so I can take it easy in the afternoon.  Woot!

Which brings me to this fascinating question:

Want to know the top lesson about blogging from a person who wrote over 4000  of  ’em?

Lookie here!

…According to Nielsen there are currently more than 181 million blogs in existence. To put that number into perspective it is close to the equivalent of a blog for every registered voter in the United States. With that proliferation of blogging it can be deemed next to impossible to make your blog stand out from the massive background noise of the millions of virtually identical ones. Here are the top five lessons I’ve garnered graduating from the Blogging School Of Hard Knocks…MORE….

My favorite tip from that is:

Go way out in left field.

I so love that!  And totally agree, mind you…sees like whenever I *lead* the thundering herd instead of trail in its wake….my popularity enjoys a wonderfully positive spike.

And all *that* requires is to look at your topic and ask yourself:

  • What would be the most ridiculous take on it imaginable?

When you free-think…its amazing how many ideas just pop into your mind.

Why not try it today?

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling

ps – I neglected to update the daily WSOs of yesterday…here they are in their glory today!

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businessbundle+=================== | | oOo ==> AutoPinterzon UNDER the Radar | | | BENEFITS: Automating and frees up your time while making | you profits. Desktop software that automatically pins legit | legit Amazon affiliate links after it automatically posts said links | to your site….nice!! DEMO ON SALES PAGE! | +=================== Evenin’, It’s Monday […]

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October 22, 2012 Barbara Ling | Edit
+=================== | | oOo ==> 50 Guru Optin Graphics Squeeze, $5! | | | WHY: Over 50+ images, LESS than $7, known graphics | artist, more! | +=================== Evenin! It’s been a very character-building day for me… but rather good as well. How about for you? Me, I broke my glasses while clipping Moose […]

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