
A profitably smart idea for 2018 content

Ever get an insane desire to improve your content for 2018?  Let me guess, you’re sitting there going, gnope, not me, hate making good content….. Right? Hopefully wrong! Well, has some interesting ideas, including: * Quantity should trump quality (sometimes) * Aeration instead of perfection (ie, money likes speed, ditch the perfection) and other… Read more

Private goodness!

PRIVATE: Power Marketing FB Groups To Join

Hey there, welcome! If you’re here, it’s because you were directed to this private page from our awesome Marketing Lingsights goodies. Today’s private goodie involves power FB groups for you to learn all sorts of marketing brilliance! And here they are. General Marketing Groups Perking Up Profits – that’s my caffeinated group (complete with breakfast!) The… Read more


Please grab your gifts from me to you here!

Welcome to my humble cafe! I’m Barb Ling and if you’re on this page, most likely you’ve requested one of my bonuses.   You should have already been redirected to the bonus page by now… please drop me a line if not! And regarding what you just learned: Click HERE to learn how to whitelist… Read more

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