The Art of Hinting – Internet Marketing Tools and Memberships Make GRAND Gifts!


It’s going to be the holidays soon enough….

Is your spouse or significant other at a loss for what to get you?

If so, I have a wonderful idea!

We ALL have those killer marketing tools we want… perhaps a  subscription to aWeber, getResponse…

Or if you’re into mobile, a subscription to Instant QR….

Or if you decide you’re finally ready for a paying membership, maybe:

If you don’t want to pay for them yourself, have you ever considered….

…Letting your Significant Other know it would make a GRAND holiday gift?


Admit it, it sure does make sense!  After all, there’s a chance that instead, X amount of money will be spent on waffle irons or frosted moose blankets or other items you’ll simply end up returning….

So why not ENSURE you get what you want?

And here’s how.

  • Step 1.)  Fortify yourself with coffee.

It helps set the mood.

  • Step 2.)  Find an affiliate link from a fellow marketer of yours for the product in question.

After all, why not ensure they make money too?

  • Step 3.)  Have a lovely chat with your Significant Other like so.

“Dear, I want to make sure you get EXACTLY what you’d like for the holidays!  Can you send me links for them?  Oh, and if you’re wondering….I just did the same!  I’ll send it to you!”

Wasn’t that simple?

This way, you can follow up with your Significant Other (7 times if necessary!) to ensure….this holiday season, you’ll BOTH receive what you want.  🙂

Honestly…the above really DOES make sense.  Spending on paid memberships is one of the best investments you can do for 2013, due to the quality of learning you receive…. so why not make your Significant Other feel thrilled by allowing him or her to gift you with what will take your income to the stratosphere…next year?

Hmmmm?  🙂

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling


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