Powerpoint rocks!


Are you aware of how truly wondrous Microsoft Power point can really be?

I just finished designing a rather magnificent presentation for a client, and in the process taught myself bleeploads of nifty animation techniques! 

But not only that…did you know you can create YouTube videos from Powerpoint as well?

I’m currently playing with that, and will showcase it soon (I hope).  I can’t believe I never explored this avenue of marketing before!

But I digress.  🙂

In other news, I’m rockin’ with writing the final edition of Income Fitness – my summation of how you can increase the amount of money your niche blog or site creates for you.  Nothing beats writing at 3am!

And regarding the forums, check out these neat topics:


among others.  🙂

What else?  Well, school is flying along and will be over soon (yay!).  And that means….it’s time to prepare Camp Ling again!

Be still…my beating heart.  🙂

And that’s me Wednesday,

Barbara Ling

ps – speaking abou powerpoint, have you seen:

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