Top 10 Awesome CRAVE WORTHY Gifts For Internet Marketers!

Looking for the BEST gifts to give that perfect Internet Marketer in your life?

Well then look no longer! FEAST your eyes on!

Gift Idea #1! – Paid Membership to The Syndicate (PRODUCT CREATION)

This is Dr. Ben Adkins’ Product Creation paid membership and it’s a *steal*! I’ve been a member now for over a year….and now am a member of Layer II (which is $497/month).  Not to worry though, Layer 1 is ‘way less!

Gift Idea #2! – Paid Membership to Earn 1K a Day (PRODUCT CREATION)

This is Dennis Becker’s wonderful forum that has been in existence for years – HUGE amount of material and a very warm welcoming community too! I spoke at his Vegas Event (which btw you can download for free HERE) – tons of quality content, member-only downloads and more. WOOT!

Gift Idea #3! – $1 Trial for Jason Fladlien’s 6 In 6 Coaching (my customers only!) (PRODUCT CREATION)

Jason is kinda sorta legend…and right now, his extremely popular 6 in 6 coaching is closed…. But not for MY customers! THis offer is ONLY good until 12/31/12 – grab it soon!

Gift Idea #4! – My Affiliate Marketing Network $1 Trial! (AFFILIATE MARKETING)

Okay true, this is kinda sorta closing today, but hey.  I’m sure it will open again before the holidays end! It has: 1) Weekly Business Building Training – Webinar Replays, PDF of Presentations, Audio Download… 2) Experienced-Based Training! 3) A Complete Tutorial Library with More Than 1300 Tutorial Videos on Technical Aspects of Running an Online Business Such as: 4) We Add Mindmaps Or Special Reports On A Specific Topic Each Month to the MYNAMS Library 5) Fast-Start checklists and comparison charts are added regularly to the MyNAMS Library too! 6) Accountability groups 7) Private forum discussions 8) Member blogs with “do follow” links 9) Member Showcase 10) Weekly Affiliate Training Lessons 11) Launch and Joint Venture Calendar 12) Niche Mall 13) Special Reports, Rebrandable Reports, eBooks and Software Tools! MORE! Definitely worth checking out!

Gift Idea #5! – John Chow’s Blogging With John! (BLOGGING)

You’ve probably heard about John Chow, right? One of the most successful make money with blogging guys online? Well, he just released the membership product Blogging With John….that will smash through *bunches* of learning curves for you and put you on the right track for 2013. Woot!

Gift Idea #6! – Evil Facebook Magician Returns – List Building (Facebook, List Building)

<swoon> Make no mistake about it – Social media is where it’s at….and the Evil Facebook Magician SHOWS you exactly how to tap into FB to build HUGE lists. I’m using it meself for my latest FB page over at Bling It On!  HIGHLY recommended!

Gift Idea #7! – Outsourcing Simplified (Outsourcing)

Smart marketers know not only how to outsource…but ALSO how NOT to get burned WHEN outsourcing! This is a FANTASTIC guide that will save you BLEEPLOADS of pain and agony when you finally decide to make life simpler for you.  Nice!

Gift Idea #8! – Holiday and 2013 eMail Marketing Profits (MONEY!)

This is my product, where I reveal how to, *long term* ensure you make the most money possible with your email marketing by focusing on recurring membership products (and the GOLD version has over 3,000 direct links to them!). Excellent for 2013 planning.

Gift Idea #9! – Easy Frankenstorm Profits (Keeping Business Running During Natural Disasters)

Do you remember Hurricane Sandy?

I sure do because I lost power for 10 days!!  But even during ZERO power, I still brought in over 2K during that time…and reveal the EXACT steps I used in this product.

Learn from my experiences so you’re NEVER at a loss!

Gift Idea #10 – ANYTHING….COFFEE! I mean, let’s be serious!

It powered the big bang!


And there you have it! The top 10 gifts YOU can give to the Internet marketer of your dreams…..or even…gift it for yourself.


Grow strong,

Barbara Ling

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