Morning MooseNCoffee

☕ Your Saturday Morning Perkup: 1973, 7pm Tonight, 365 Health Tips, Video Curation, Spinning Vids, more!

Before we dive into today, let’s get a quick recap!

=== Start Ongoing Goodies! ===

Valentine’s Day Extravaganza 7pm TONIGHT! (Save 92% from top marketers and …)

Today in 1973:   National Inventor’s Hall of Fame was founded — on the anniversary of Thomas Edison’s birth in 1847.

Plus My Own:

Begin Your FB Live Empire!


Instastore 33% off!
Use coupon barb20 to take off from the Elite Option!

Todays Zero Cost goodie:

Facebook just made your weather app obsolete

Good stuff!

=== End Ongoing Goodies! ===

Where was I?  Ah yes, Saturday!

Yesterday one of my kids sang in the school’s Broadway Theater!


Can you guess which one?

The kid did very well indeed.  🙂

Elsewhere in LingLand, took my youngest to the same thingee.  That particular kid used to be soooo clueless when it came to social situations…. it was grand to see how much improvement is now showing.   So yay there!

Today is “take kid to iPlay America with friends day”, otherwise known as PLMSTIOP day!

In other words:

“Please Let Me Survive This In One Piece” Day!

If you have kids, I’m pretty sure you know what I mean.  🙂

And marketing-wise?

There’s still these super Valentine’s Day cards available:

Valentines DAy

They were made by a marketer’s wife (who is suffering from poor health) and if you enjoy handmade cards, definitely check them out!

And remember the Marketer’s Mom?

I awarded her the Golden Coffeecup this week!

Golden Coffeecup!

To wit:

Everyone please join me in congratulating Cyril Maithily Gupta‘s Mom, this week’s winner of the Perking Up Profits Golden Coffeecup Shining Achievement award! Cyril alerted us this week to her tremendous accomplishment:

“…Hi guys! So YouTube went and created a commercial featuring my mom and they are going it run it on national TV Channels.

Why would they do this?

My mom’s a longtime YouTube producer, with a really popular YouTube channel on cooking.

She now gets over a million views a day on her channel and has over 1.3 million subscribers. 🙂

She makes vegetarian food, and her videos are in Hindi. Super specialised. Over 1,300 videos already churned out.

How’d she do it?

Starting out small, working consistently, good quality video optimization, and iterative improvements.

Now you know how I do the research for all those amazing video software that I’ve launched 🙂….”

Full story at

Cyril Mom, you shine!”

Love it when moms and dads shine!

Plus if you’re bored with generic pets…


What’s new in your neck of the woods… would love to hear….

And onto today!

FIRST: Be alert to a morning GEMALERT from me – could be Social!

(note – if you’re not getting the additional GEMALERTs and you want to, opt into ’em at ).


NOTE!  I run a New Product Solution List that gives 3-4 new updates a day
…. please sign up at
to get these in real time.  Thanks!


AND!!   Please visit and whitelist – this will ensure you always get these morning goodies.  Thanks!


And!  I just started a private Internet Marketing Authority Course over at … Click below to start the adventure!

Bonus Class!


And here we go!

Today’s goodness includes the following!

7pm tonight!

7pm Tonight Big Name Extravaganza!

365 health tips

365 Health Tips!

Spin Videos

Spin Videos Fast!

and 2 more… can you guess?

And let’s begin!

Want you to attend an exclusive Valentine’s Day Sale?

Well then!


7pm Tonight 92% savings and more!

See the cash gifts, the huge savings, here!

See the direct link there!



Whats that?  You want 365 Days of Health PLR Tips?

Well then!

365 Days of Health PLR Tips!

See everything you can do with it here!!

See the direct link there!



What’s that?  You want 33% of Instastore?

Well then!

33% off Instastore, my list only!

See how you can automatically curate videos here!

See the Direct Link and coupon barb20 there!



What’s that?  You want to Spin Videos?

Well then!

Spin Videos!

See the super special effects and more here!

See the direct link there!



And finally:

Copy Paste Profits!

See the intriguing insight here!

See the Direct Link there!




Don’t forget yesterdays:

Where was I?  Ah yes, Friday!

Remember that non-existent snow from yesterday morning?

The snowfall started at 5:30am….

… and basically shut down most of NJ.

That meant we were housebound but to the rescue came:

Home gym!

Yep – even if I couldn’t get the gym, I *could* lift weights at home.

So yay there.

Haven’t gotten a call from the school yet this morning, so I’m assuming school is still on.

And!  The Lego Batman Movie comes out today!

I *adored* the Lego Movie itself….

And here’s the trailer for Batman!


Elsewhere in Marketing Land, did you see these 6 nifty hand-drawn Valentine’s Day cards?

Valentines DAy

They were made by a marketer’s wife (who is suffering from poor health) and if you enjoy handmade cards, definitely check them out!

And in Lingland…. one of my kids will be singing in the school’s Broadway production tonight, so that should be grand!

What’s new in your neck of the woods… would love to hear….

And onto today!

FIRST: Be alert to a morning GEMALERT from me – could be PLR!

(note – if you’re not getting the additional GEMALERTs and you want to, opt into ’em at ).


NOTE!  I run a New Product Solution List that gives 3-4 new updates a day
…. please sign up at
to get these in real time.  Thanks!


AND!!   Please visit and whitelist – this will ensure you always get these morning goodies.  Thanks!


And!  I just started a private Internet Marketing Authority Course over at … Click below to start the adventure!

Bonus Class!


And here we go!

Today’s goodness includes the following!


Alibaba Profit Sale!

Add amazon coupons!

Add Amazon Coupons!

Clone WP Twin

Clone your sites!

and 2 more… can you guess?

And let’s begin!

Want you an entire Alibaba Profit System?

Well then!


Alibaba Profit System!

See how you can cash in on Alibaba here!

See the direct link there!



Whats that?  You want to automatically add Amazon coupons to your site?

Well then!

Azon Coupons 3.0!

See the no manualness here!!

See the direct link there!



What’s that?  You want to clone all your WP sites?

Well then!

WP Twin Cloning, 90% off!

See all of the benefits you’ll receive here!

See the Direct Link there!



What’s that?  You want Instagram Ads PLR in a box?

Well then!

Instagram Ads PLR in a Box!

See the hot new excitement with PLR here!

See the direct link there!



And finally:

Better than F

See a brief description of everything waiting for you here!

See the Direct Link and coupon SUSANNEIS41 there!




Don’t forget yesterdays:

Where was I?  Ah yes, Thursday!

Okay I’m going to date myself but….

Samurai Jack will be coming back!

I so remember this from my kids’ childhood – we would watch EVERY episode together.

Here’s a collection of the best:

and here’s Season 5 trailer!

The series came out when my eldest (just over 20) was 5.

How time flies!

Elsewhere in Lingland, NJ was supposed to be blanketed by up to 10 inches of snow, starting from 3am or  so.

It’s after 5am and its still just raining.  

All together now:




Well, school was already canceled so kids are still sleep and ideally…

Today should be a very nice quiet day.

And marketingwise?

Did you hear WP Twin has a special now?  It’s a way to automatically back up EVERYTHING regarding your WP installation … I might give a headsup about it later on.

Here’s the video:

And you can grab it at a surprising savings at

What’s new in your neck of the woods… would love to hear….

And onto today!

FIRST: Be alert to a morning GEMALERT from me – could be Instagram!

(note – if you’re not getting the additional GEMALERTs and you want to, opt into ’em at ).


NOTE!  I run a New Product Solution List that gives 3-4 new updates a day
…. please sign up at
to get these in real time.  Thanks!


AND!!   Please visit and whitelist – this will ensure you always get these morning goodies.  Thanks!


And!  I just started a private Internet Marketing Authority Course over at … Click below to start the adventure!

Bonus Class!


And here we go!

Today’s goodness includes the following!

Fitness Firesale

PLR Fitness Firesale!

Use coupon SUSANNEIS41 at

41% off Piggy Makes Bank!


Hollywoodize your videos!

and 2 more… can you guess?

And let’s begin!

Want you to Hollywoodize your videos?

Well then!


Hollywoodize Your Videos!

See everything you get here!

See the direct link there!



Whats that?  You want local leads videos?

Well then!

They are less than 75 cents a video!

See the quick excitement here!!

See the direct link and there!



What’s that?  You want 70% off High Paying Client Secrets?

Well then!

My List Only!

See the full pack and coupon hpcs20 here!

See the Direct Link there!



What’s that?  You want a Fitness PLR Firesale?

Well then!

Fitness PLR Firesale!

See the huge (300+ pieces of content) here!

See the direct link there!



And finally:

Today Only – 41% off Piggy Makes Bank!

See a brief description of everything waiting for you here!

See the Direct Link and coupon SUSANNEIS41 there!




Don’t forget our favs:


==> Zero Cost List Building Class This Week!

==> $1 Trial Software that writes your copy for you!

==> Marlon Sanders Big Book of Secrets

==> Become Unstoppable (Zero cost!)

==> Create Cool Mobile Apps Special!

==> Authority List Building Made Simple


==> Tiff Lambert Lifetime PLR

==> JR Lang Quality PLR!

==> Nicole Deal Easy PLR

==> Sue Fleckenstein

==> Alice Seba PLR

==> Rachel Whole Foods PLR!

==> Resellers Rights Weekly Free

==> ID PLR Free!


Thank you for enjoying my newsletters – I will continue
to do my best to bring you the latest and
greatest of all marketing updates!

Grow strong,


Barb Ling

| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 80 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet. And are you part of our rockin’
| new popular free marketingNmoose group?
| Perking Up Profits!
| >>


Got questions?
I respond to every email sent! Happy to hear from you…. and remember:

Fortune Favors The Bold

Go out and make *yourself* fortunate today!

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