
Make money with Pokemon Go

👂 Today’s Quick Thought: Pokemon Go App Overtaking EVERYTHING as far as social goes..

So check this out. Pokemon Go an app you can download to your phone… and it overlays augmented reality goodness to whatever your phone sees. And it’s going insane. Fake clones are dominating the marketplace…. It beefed up Nitendo stock: It’s only been out since Thursday: And look how the gym and… Read more

👂 Today’s Quick Thought: Ultimate Guide to If This Then Do That! IFTTT

One of the best things you can do to help build your business…. Is to automate tasks you do again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and… Read more

👂 Today’s Quick Thought: Creating Compelling Slideshows: FB is now getting into it!

Is there any end in sight? Apple recently announced its slideshow maker (Apple Memories) at Google already has Movie Assistant: And now FB just announced: It’s a slideshow movie maker… … so theoretically *anyone* can now make movies without, well, making movies (in the traditional sense)! I personally love Windows Movie Maker… Read more

👂 Today’s Quick Thought: Facebook wants you to abandon your websites… will you?

Very interesting indeed…. To wit: “…Facebook’s fast-loading, immersive Canvas tool, which combines video, text, and photo slideshows in an interactive, scrolling format, isn’t just for advertisers anymore. The company is letting any business with a Page create Canvases for free, Facebook’s VP of ads and business platform, Andrew “Boz” Bosworth, says. Since Facebook launched… Read more

Full Time Zero Cost Income -

👂 Today’s Quick Thought: Making bad marketing ideas good

 “I yank open the fridge. It’s 8pm, and I haven’t eaten yet. I’m STARVING, except my fridge doesn’t seem to care. It’s slim pickins tonight. In the crisper draw, there’s half a raw eggplant — it’s starting to brown, and the skin is starting to wrinkle. Above that, some stale bread. (Well, the ENDS of… Read more

👂 Today’s Quick Thought: 101 of the best interactive infographics for everything you do

Infographics are *huge*…. and if you run a blog, you can create a post about your fav and list out your particular take (instant content ideas!) Well, here’s 101 of ’em: It includes: 1. “How Search Works: From Algorithms to Answers” With the ease of Internet search, it’s easy to forget how much work… Read more

👂 Today’s Quick Thought: Protecting your marketing & business from ransomware

Ransomware is getting worse. Paul Myers wrote a great article about that over at and it provides a fascinating glimpse into some pretty scary stuff indeed… He also provides ways to safeguard yourself as well. It’s been in the news as well: Ways to prevent it as much as possible can… Read more

Remember Nordstrom? Superior customer service with:

👂 Today’s Quick Thought: Remember Nordstrom? Superior customer service with:

For the life of me, I cannot remember where I first heard about Nordstrom’s awesome business practices and customer service…. … But it sure did stay with me! Well, just popped up and reminded me of it. 5 takeaways the employee had: 1. Make Praise and Celebration the Lifeblood of Your Culture 2. Focus… Read more

Remember Nordstrom? Superior customer service with:

A hopeless coffee search

And yep, it was true. No coffee shops were open at that time… :)… Read more

Goodness I shared on 6/9/16!

*NOTE – this is simply a nifty copy/paste.  You cannot comment on the posts and the FB Live videos don’t embed… but it should give you a good idea as to what was shared! Barb Ling 41 mins · Wonderful by Gerald Soh Gerald Soh 1 hr · I won’t be able to experience this… Read more

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